mercredi 2 novembre 2016

We don't need human torches to save lives

First of all I wasn't coming back that fast as I have so many things in mind that I was not sure where to start. Then Soufiane told me that it's time to write something new. And here I am. I needed just no reason in fact. Well poeple this summer is really crazy... Summer as it’s maybe November but it's a real burning sun I am feeling in my arms and legs in that coffee terrace. .. Ok, don’t imagine something fancy as I am just waiting for the guys to finish washing my too dirty car.

So! How are you people? Enjoying life? Avoiding crappy and crippy situations?
If you're like me and you don't look for them but it often slaps you ...It's ok. It’s just life you know.
Those days I am working to learn how not to burn myself to keep other people warm. Because it just has not to be ... hurting... This is for either personal or professional lives.
Yes I am learning also to separate those two.

One thing that is always good to remember, is that you're not mistaken because someone is telling you that you are (except if really you are, like really really). I faced deep incomprehension those days and had this hard times willing to save the world ... i am no savior. And seriously none of us wants to be saved, people need to be heroes of their lives... The main difficulty is be hero but let other be their own heroes. And for that it should not go through lowering others but mainly saying “thank you”, “I don't get it”, “I understand”, rather than “you owe me”, “you you suck” or “look how I do things” and this kind of $*#&. Oh yeah, you can’t proclaim yourself a hero, it’s others that sees you that way … just in case… you know…

Also we are not required to be other people to suit someone. It's so obvious but good to say that again.
I am saying it more in the way if you’re doing it than just … stop. Support people they will give you the world, recognize their good actions and discuss if anything seems wrong and they will be the good people you want them to be. But no judging, you will just lose them.

In life, people surrounding you should be the people that excuse your faults, that doesn’t not even call them faults, laugh with you about them and tells you how they feel without treating you less than a person.
Seriously, life happens, let’s just live things as they should be. They are no defenders, no wrongdoer, no competition in life. People should just come together and it will be so relieving in our lives.

In fact I am just over stressed out people.
Don't judge me or anyone you're into cause this remove their wings. I decided that if people want to hold me or block me I will just go and leave. If they want come back, they are welcome, I don’t manage the right and wrong of the universe. Nobody does.

“Cover me with a wire. I cover you with a wall” - Moroccan quote


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