samedi 30 juillet 2016

Lying on the sofa

One day you will meet the perfect person, but you've been so broken that you might miss the most important life shot you can have.
Not sure if I was really seeing how life could broke some parts of me. Mistaken that life will bring a savior. But this person is no savior this person is in your life to complete you.

I met someone so secure, so sure about what he wants in life and that is not afraid of being real.
Everything if you are me you can admire.
I passed my time seeing how passionate the other person can be or how much lucky I am to be sharing his life.
But at the same time just standing there and watching - Maybe waiting for an approval or acceptance. I am not sure. But seeing that flashback at this moment seems so lame.
Worst of it is that I was not seeing it that way. Not seeing myself just standing as in my heart/head is was going faster.
It's so disappointing when you're the one not able to link the dots; Not able to put on the table what you want. I am losing my sleep here.

Is it other people duty to unlock us?
Seriously using the word "duty" as the response can be both yes, no or none. We need kin, close friends and partners to give the slaps we might need sometimes. We need them for the tenderness and softness we need all the other times. 
Some people passing by can lock our hearts and we don’t ask for it.
Some people come by and unlock us and those should be cherished.
And the tricky part is that no one is engaged in that duty as it should not be a duty but a life sharing.

I know that I don't want to miss it.
It's not because of all experiences of life I had or because I know or any other bullshit... But because this person forced me to face myself and remembers the real and complete person I was too. And this means the world.

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. John Barrymore


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