jeudi 10 novembre 2016

One week of good things

One week of good things is not a week in a Spa or travelling or whatever pleases every one.
The idea is to mention a daily good thing that happened as we DO forget those and we can easily get invaded by the duties, bullies, bad news, etc.
So I decided to report everyday what was good that day and here is it:

DAY1: Thursday
HUGE traffic jam.... Feeling so lonely in my petite car surrounded by those other hundreds cars... my phone battery is dying ... This car is in my line again! .... Man I am hungry........"Ok Google”.... "Aller à la maison" (“Go Home”... My Googles understands only French)...Oh can't turn where they told me as no one is letting me... euh well, let's do it again ... ""Ok google let's go home" ... "you'll be there in 9 min"...  oh well Mme Google you don't know the crazy traffic in Casa at 6pm ....  But after 9min voilà, I was in front of home.
I liked it because I was so desperate for 1h and Google just told me where to go –even if it was my everyday ride- and twice without having Mme Google complaining.

DAY2 - Friday
I unfollowed Sananas - I followed her first place as Moroccan and found it courageous to have that YouTube channel. However it started to be commercial, fake and too $$$ centered. I don't want any fictional character deception. I unfollowed many channels that night, all those that were too shiny too bio too loud too far from my reality.

DAY3 - Saturday
I unplugged. I have kept my phone in a Plane Mode since Friday after work.
No online games, no notifications, no unwanted popups. Only music, to-do-list and watch (because it's not an into the wild experience you know.) 
Close family could call me on my land phone (like the early 90s), also laptop is on.
I have mainly prepared my food, watched a movie and slept.
Early wake up that Saturday as I was relaxed and not that detached from the world as you might think.
In fact there was no rush when taking a coffee with a friend or during lunch with parents.... you're not seeking your phone for next activity but doing what you are doing.

Day4 - Sunday
I cooked. But cooked for my week and didn't buy extra chocolate I still have enough bad calories hidden in the cupboard. Proud of myself for that.

Day5 - Monday
I hate Mondays. So what I did is that I took a break with everyone that asked so. I said hi to everyone and I just listened. I let it go in a relax mode at work. It's important as I am not a fan of weather talks or discussions during working hours but with good breaks I was most efficient when at my desk.

DAY6 - Tuesday
I was going to say a no stress day in a row. However that day I was reached by an old friend to chat and spontaneously this person told me all the good things she was thinking about me, the real part was that my imperfections are not that bad just human. I was surprised, I just responded a "oh - ok". But seriously I was quite tired of all the shitty things people I don't know imagine my life or myself are. So good when people you know for years just jump to tell you why you are in their life for years.

Day7 - Wednesday
I dated myself. November has always been the month with most important changes in my life. Job changes, Relationships important decisions, health callouts…
So this year no decisions will be taken in this month. I am single and happily in couple with life and will keep an open mind but closed door. If someone can open it welcome but I am running nowhere, having enough things in my hands right now.

Today I understand all the people that were saying... I wake up and write positive things or bullshit I want and it feels good. .. Because at no moment this week I questioned my life. Is it what they call leaving the moment?

We are having a long weekend, Friday is a day off. So family I am coming. Close people to my heart first. I am no perfect but they make me be better every day. I gave so much energy those months, and not necessarily to the right people, that I need to balance. I have to balance.
You know when they say if you need to make an important decision think what your mom, dad, grandma will say to you. Well if you have the chance to still have them in your life just be with them. They are a good you need.

Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about. Rollo May


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