lundi 2 août 2021

Learning in the flow of work

We are currently halfway through the fiscal year and approaching the summer holidays. I'm deeply focused on facts that feed my thoughts for the most of year and want to make sure they're firmly rooted in my mind before taking that break to breathe. Let me share with you some of the lessons that have aided my path those first months of 2021.

Tie your life to a goal, not to people or things

This saying is from one of the geniuses of last century Albert Einstein “If you want to live a happy life tie it to a goal, not to people or things”. This may seem indifferent, but it is not rather, it is one of the best advices for a serene mind. It doesn't mean you should kick people out of your life, but it does mean you should remember to live your life in pursuit of your own objectives and goals. Individuals have wonderful relationships with family and friends, and we know that these ties contribute significantly to our growth and pleasure. However, at a certain point people may leave, change direction, and they must put themselves first. So the happiness related to things and people is temporary. But if we tie the happiness with our goals, it would be a contented path. And once we reach the goal, our happiness would know no bounds.

I've heard many individuals say they're still working in that same job because their lead is a friend or gives them a lot of free time; They might enjoy the calm and quiet at work, but they're holding on to their abilities for that relief and possibly the best years to evolve and give their best potential. We all struggle at some level with living up to the expectations of others. We should not put our lives in brackets because of others, or because we wish to meet others' prospects. Expectations are not a precise gauge of what is right for you. Anyone can control only themselves, and everyone else is focused on their own objectives. Just remember that the people who matters are there to help and they never leave.


By settling to less, you don’t necessarily do more

We repeatedly hear individuals saying that if they had more time, they could do more works. Does less office time mean more personal time, and does a less hectic schedule mean more time connecting with others or caring for our health? Consider yourself in a more comfortable state almost every day; here are three veracities I have come to know in this type of atmosphere.

·        Having extra time does not imply that you will read more, exercise more, or sleep more. You will do things in a more relaxed mode, and you might look for a fun activity to fill your spare time. If you have plenty spare time invest it on your growth.

·        When you have edgy days, add to them what is important for you and your development and surround yourself with the right people; When you have less free time you will value it, will make the most of it, and prioritize what truly makes you happy.

·        The more you do the more you get twisted, the more you meet folks who work equally with the same vitality as you.

So, if you ask me, I got energized by complete packed days that keeps me going while a several 4 hours a day exhaust me.


What is being busy anyway…

There are two types of busy people: those who are busy and those who say they are busy but can have an unplanned two-hour conversation for casual chit-chat. We can tell whether someone is busy or not. It's not a right or wrong debate, but here's what I've learned:

·        The more dynamic the job is, the more efficient, effective governance, and collaboration are required for success. We need to value the hard work required in most jobs, the energy required for various tasks and value how people learn to juggle between all decisions, goals, and priorities.

·        The fake-busy can be time stealers, they do less and oppose more. What they bring is theoretical but not enough experience yet to do the work and build competencies required. I am thinking of having good ideas on paper but no concrete plan for the work.

The 70-20-10 rule is the best guidance, and it does depend on us we use it. If 70% is experiences and assignments, 20% developmental relationships, and 10% from coursework and training then raise your hand and do learn, meet, and work with others. Be busy.

Bottom line.

Every day we choose who we are and what to focus on. We learn, make mistakes, grow, achieve great things, and rely on the right/wrong people and it’s all alright. The only thing to keep in mind is to work toward your goals and prioritize what makes you happy.



vendredi 1 janvier 2021

2020 - Reading Challenge

Happy that 2020 is over!

I was having few plans for this year before knowing that most of our time will be spent at home. This year we mainly faced our life choices and ourselves. We for sure are not the same in so many ways now that we enter 2021.

When 2020 started, I’ve decided to take 12 books reading challenge. 1 book a month. This frequency should be manageable with all extra work activities and life priorities I enjoy doing.

Now that the year is over, I did read 9 over the 12. Some were 3 days read and others a 3 months.

There is infinity of books; I tried few from my office’s book club (3), some I was willing to read (3) other I agreed to give them a try (3).

I am sharing with you those readings in 2 categories “Liked” and “Not my Type” and the takeaway from this year’s reading.


Didn’t Enjoy reading

“Your second life starts when you realize you only have one” - Raphaelle Giordano

I got bored. Way too positive but mainly too easy. Felt like Sunday movies and their unrealistic happy ending. I might not have read it at the right time, reading is also about timing right?! All I say is yes you can turn your life upside down to a successful and happy life in a year with wiliness, good mentor and a good idea but in the second half of the book you just feel they need to cut the crap a bit.  

 “Anatomy of a Scandal ”  - Sarah Vaughan

This is a good story with nice side stories but how come no one realized prior publishing it that it was missing all thrilling par of court trial. Do lawyers go to court to defend a case only by knowing deep inside the person is guilty or do they have facts from investigations!?

I like suspense and rebound in this type of books, but in this one didn't had any.

 “Miracle Morning” - ELROD, Hal

If you know the principle no need to read all the pages of this book it will bring nothing new for you, but you do join an incredible community on social media.

“ Lâcher prise ”  - Rosette Poletti

Confirmation that I am not at all fan or neither enjoying nor understanding self-help books.

This book can be a 20min podcast and ... who the hell will let go a divorce by burning their ex's letter in a ceremony with family and friends? In real life you go get dinner and talk it out or not even, you are hurt anyway and you move on.


Loved Them!

“ Mon cahier Running ”  - Florence Heimburger

For knowing runners, been running and made mistakes that results in injuries I worked on, I knew already many information’s on running before reading this book. It was a friendly read with good advices and it has complete information in one place. I did learn new things and it is nicely illustrated. Enjoyable reading.

“ Soufi, mon amour ”  – Elif Shafak

I read this one in one long weekend, different fresh and realistic, first book I(ve read referring to Sufism.

Beautiful story, no exaggeration and not sure how but it did touch my heart.

“Girl, Wash Your Face” - Rachel Hollis

First book I've read this year, I kind of needed it back then. It had some crappy examples sometimes (hair in toes ?!) but it did remain down to earth.

It’s about Lies we tell ourselves. It’s just a good reminder of self-obstacles we don’t see ourselves putting around us.

 “Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles That Fuel Success and Performance” - Shawn Achor

Good read, stories and examples that does stick in your head and based on real researches. You understand better why happiness is not the finality but the trigger to many great things. I did like corporate examples and personal insights. The 7 principals are linked and I did took time to enjoy this book. That was my longest reading this year as did want to enjoy something positive in this chaotic 2020.

“The Power of Habit” - Charles Duhigg

My favorite one! I gave it 5 stars. This book introduce you to how our brain function, how our habits are built and how we trick ourselves.; Not theoretical way but scientifically. You learn about the habit loop, how to change it or influence things and others. How it works for communities and in company cultures. Real life stories on how history or companies changed by changing and influencing Habits.

When you close this book at the end, you know you are different than when you started it.


Those are my reading and how I see them today. What this year taught me about reading is:

1.     Whatever the book you will learn something.

2.     You might not remember everything, but you did store what you’ve needed (just try re-read a book and you will see)

3.     Read what you love and the type of books you like, it’s about you and no one else.

4.     You can drop or fast forward on books you are not enjoying. It’s a time you invest.

5.     Try new books you will not think about, it might show you what you do not like, and you will discover new horizons.

 I am retaking this self-challenge this 2021!

Anyone willing to you can use the GoodReads app and site, they follow progress and you have  good community in there.

Happy New Year to all :)


“A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.” – Charles Baudelaire